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Tits and Clits (3 Points)

 I never thought I would be typing out that sentence as the title to one of my assignments in my senior year of college.

Anyway, what a hell of a ride that was. Admittedly I did look for one of the most obscene titles I could read and review for this week. I have no problem with NSFW artwork or comics, so it was not actually obscene as I thought it would be (though it definitely was up there). Mostly what I thought of these comics was that there was some kind of weird innocence behind them. Like the women that wrote them usually either wrote them to portray some kind of fantasy, to make a commentary on how simple some men are, or to share their sexual experiences, none of which I can really deem 'obscene' or 'offensive'. Possibly to men, but I would doubt even that. 

The only jarring things I saw were how normal the mentions of rape were, which is pretty sad because I think it's only JUST starting to become a thing that is taken more seriously in society. Ironically, most of the women in the comics seem to react to the mention of rape with sarcasm or cynicism like it was joke rather than a very real and serious thing. Almost like they've accepted the fact that rape is one of the realities of being a woman. I will admit that times have changed, and I just know a lot of this wouldn't fly now. I would like to add that this doesn't discredit those men who have also been subjected to heinous crimes akin to sexual assault, but it (like these comics suggest) is just ingrained in society at this point that women can be and are assaulted more often.

Maybe it was because they were written by women and I could vaguely relate to some of them. As a bisexual woman, I was very surprised to see how many touched on women loving women. And all of them were portrayed as normal relationships, thankfully, one even including a mother telling her daughter that loving other women is normal. There was even a comic where a young girl falls in love with an actress playing Joan of Arc in a movie, and her friend tells her it's impossible to love other girls, so our protagonist goes as far as to say "Well then maybe I was supposed to be a boy," which I took as more of a childish view on sexuality but could also be an allusion to the girl being trans. It was a lot more inclusive than I expected.

I actually thought the comics were really interesting! I've also subjected myself to the worst sides of the internet out of curiosity in the past though, so I could kind of push the porn aspect of most of them to the back of my mind as I read them. Plus, we're all adults here. It's not really weird to be seeing adult content. People are horny and that's a fact of life we have to realize; censorship harbors rebellion in my opinion, so it doesn't matter much to me if it's raunchy. 

I actually haven't seen much of this style of comic recently, I know there's a lot of porn comics out there that are made for the same reason these are, though. I think they're made out of pure self-indulgence and this opened a new gateway for people, especially women, to be open about their sexuality.


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