This one was very hard to translate because I was trying so hard to comprehend the pictures. Maybe it's because I'm having a hard time deciphering what's even in the photos due to lack of contrast in some of them. I definitely think it has something to do with livestock. I've heard that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an allegory for how awfully we treat pigs and cattle, and I feel like this might be going in the same direction, just with chickens. The chickens in almost every photo are torturing, stalking, scaring, or kissing humans. I think this is talking about how we treat livestock as pets, but will ultimately use them for what they're worth and end up culling them in the end. Even the kissing makes sense to me because people love their pets and kiss them all the time. I'm not a pet owner or a vegan/vegetarian, but I feel like that's what is being said here. It could also be a bit more general than that as well. It could just be talking about how humans...
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